Saturday, April 25, 2009


Doing something at the “last minute” is one thing, doing something at the last possible fucking second is quite another. The latter is not “crunch time.” It is fucking insanity time. The window of opportunity to ask your colleagues to help with something you should have done a long-assed time ago is OVER. As individuals we can procrastinate all we want, but tasks requiring the coordination of multiple individuals? Forget the fuck about it. WE did our parts so there will be no last minute switcheroo where you try to pass off your own incompetence as a “group task” that we all need to work on RIGHT NOW. We divvied up these tasks long ago. I did my part and it looks like everyone else did their parts too. The giant glaring hole in the document is your part. Just jump into that deep abyss while the rest of us watch. Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll try to rescue you…we might just put that off for a while though.


  1. Sounds like it's time to give your colleague a very special gift! ;)

  2. I love it, sabbatical gifts for a few special colleagues!

  3. Does that come in a t-shirt, as well?

  4. A t-shirt would be nice, perhaps an adult-sized onesie is needed for repeat offenders...

  5. Wow that mug is superb, Inky!

    The offenders in my life (and not just in formal sense) tend to make it through life fairly easily as they often have a lot of people around them responding to their chaos. They never feel the full effects of being rubbish. I find these people often say 'yes' to too many things and then become paralysed victims. I feel like Ferris' sister, Jeanie, in Ferris Bueller's so I'll stop here.

  6. Jeanie! Yes, that's the perfect example!

  7. Love the Jeanie ref, AH! My favorite Jeanie moment is when she's talking to the office secretary who tells her that Mr. Rooney is on personal business.

    Jeanie: "What's that supposed to mean?"
    Secretary: "Well, I suppose it means it's personal and it's none of your business."
    Jeanie: "Nice attitude."

    Or something like that.
