Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Immanuel Font


  1. Yeah, a font posting again!!!

    And yes, sadly, dear Cooper, it does make you look fat, but at least you have more depth that Curlz and Jokerman!

  2. Best use of "carnassial" I've ever I've ever seen. It's also the first use.

  3. OWWWWWWWWWW MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There's even a faux "x"!

  4. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, how I love thy font rantage.

  5. I wish I could say something pithy and witty and relevant, but all I'm thinking is, Damn, Acadamnit. You are just so funny and such a great writer. And I know writing (regardless of font).

  6. Thanks, I am just so pleased to have found some fellow font ranters.

  7. Curlz MT brings back such painful memories for me. Why did I think it was a good idea to turn in all my sixth grade projects in that font? I want to say I was young and stupid, but I can't get past the idea that there is something innately morally culpable about enjoying Curlz MT. Starting my life of crime at a younger age just means I am like someone who began his crack-and-murder habit when he was eleven instead of eighteen. Serious issues. Are any of your commenters licensed in psychiatry?

  8. Well Panderbear, I'm no psychiatrist (although I play one on tv) but I think recognizing the problem is the first step towards a solution, just take it one game at a time, give it 110%, and limit yourself to one non-TNR font a day.
