Monday, July 5, 2010

Who Are You, What Are You Doing and Why Do You Keep Looking At Me?!?

So I was stumbling around blogland drinking coffee and recuperating from eating grilled things and blowing stuff up― which, by the way, is exactly how ‘Merica wants us to celebrate its birthday. If that’s not what you did than you clearly hate ‘Merica (and by default, you must hate me, cheetohs, PBR and everything else that makes this country kickass too, in which case you can just move along). Anyhoo, I found myself over at Proflike's place. As I rooted around in the bushes looking for unexploded bottle rockets and unopened beers I found this meme. Seeing as how I can’t grill it, explode it or use it to intoxicate myself, I may as well post it. I’ve simplified it a bit, but hey, I’m curious. Don’t be shy. Just answer the damn questions…I’ll go make another pot of coffee. Cream? Sugar? Whiskey?

Tell me about you. Who are you? Do you have a background in science? If so, what draws you here as opposed to meatier, more academic fare? And if not, what brought you here and why have you stayed? Let loose with those comments.


  1. Graduate student in one of the sciences desperately trying to maintain my sense of humor through this soul crushing graduate school experience. I guess that's why I enjoyed stumbling upon your blog. Plus, I've found that sarcasm and wit seem to be oddly missing from all those in my particular program. If our little science bubble doesn't encourage laughing hysteria then I don't know what does.

  2. I'm a neuroscience post-doc, desperately hanging on to ever-thinning threads of hope that I'll land a TT job sometime soon. I found you through someone or other's blogroll. Stayed for the excellent Winter Olympics commentary, font rants, and fondness for whiskey.

  3. Graduate student in engineering in a distant city-state in south east asia. I enjoy your humor and sarcasm. I get my daily dose of blog posts from 7.30 - 8.30 am, after which I procrastinate, laze around, before finally getting around to doing some actual work.

    I don't drink, am not interested in sports, do not speak a word of vulgarity, yet find this blog very fascinating and interesting to read! I am still wondering what draws me to blogs written by academics.

  4. Wait, you're a SCIENCE Prof blogger?

    Well, then, I have no idea why I read your blog, Dr. No. Maybe it's because I like scotch, oh, and yes, you still have my panties from that party last year...

  5. Classics grad student. I hate Cheetos, but find you quite entertaining. (I'm Canadian).

  6. Grad student in the biological sciences. I stumbled over your blog a few weeks ago and the title was just too interesting not to read. Now I'm stuck.

  7. I had no idea you were a Science blogger, Dr. No.

    But no worries: I'll still visit.

    Why? Well, I DO like scotch and cheetos, and you have great parties.

  8. Do I get points (or smelly stickers) for writing something? When is it due? Double spacing? 1 inch margin? References?

    Ya know, I hate Cheetohs too. It's a recent revelation. Tired of orange fingers. Sour Cream and Onion chips are the new rage.

  9. Former science type turned liberal arts type turned near-constant ranter seeking angrier, funnier, more interesting version of same.
    Cream, sugar, and whiskey in my coffee, please. Boiled into a hard sauce with some cake, if you don't mind.
    Aw, fuck it, I'll get it myself and make you one in case you're hungry after those nauseating Cheetos.

  10. Um, hi. I'm Laura. I'm 22. Graduate (Master's) Student in Medieval Studies. London. I stumbled across your blog ages ago, via some other academic's blog. I'm (still) here because you amuse me. And I like reading about the lives of academics because I may well end up being one. I'm English so I don't know what Cheetohs are. I don't imagine I'm missing out tremendously. Though two of my friends are on holiday in the States at the moment, and I'm having them bring me back Reese's Pieces and Lucky Charms.

  11. I'm a UK medieval historian currently moonlighting in museum work but having recently accepted a contract for a temp lectureship, so, moving up! I have no background in science but I have a lot of history with scientists, and like to think I can talk the talk. I cannot remember how I wound up here. I guess I clicked on something somewhere and wound up hanging round the edge of the party wondering where the hell that tequila came from and how to get Cheeto dust out of tweeds. As a sarcastic academic myself, though, I think Dr No's style crosses all disciplines: I recognise most of the faculty characters and read this so as not to feel that I have to say it myself. Also, it's funny. And it's not like there's really that much science going on here most of the time, except cocktail mixing, right?

  12. Hey Everybody: The comments are going all crazy here, some appear to have vanished, some just seemed to have popped up out of nowhere- I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but it's nice to hear from all of you. Those of you with blogs know that sometimes you just have to wonder who the hell is reading the shiz we toss out there...those of you without blogs can understand that right?

    Two general points to address:
    1. STOP hating on the cheetohs
    2. I considered taking out the "science" word since I NEVER talk about my actual job...but you know, I do own a lab coat.

  13. Classics Grad Student. Parents are scientists (and grossly disappointed in my life choices).

    I get enough real academic fare in my day-to-day life. Reading your blog is a nice break. And you seem angrier than I am, so that's always a plus.

    I'm not actually sure how I found you. Maybe I kept seeing you comment on other bloggers' pages? I don't know. Glad I did, though. Turns out you're an amusing SOB.

  14. Not a scientist. I am an English teacher at a community college and a PhD student in English at a school in the UK. Mom of two.

    I am here because you throw great parties. What with the Cheetos (which I love), the booze, and the gender ambiguity, how can your parties NOT be great?!

    Plus you're a great observer, a great writer, and you crack me up.

  15. Two years as a physics major before I realized what a mediocre physicist I would have been. Also, if I had to do one more experiment on the air track to "discover" acceleration due to gravity I am pretty sure my brain would have exploded. However, I did accumulate a couple good stories about the barrel of uranium they kept in the physics building basement, so it wasn't a complete loss.

    Of course, you have an undying place in my affection as the first person to comment on my blog (i.e. feed my narcissism).

    HOWEVER, since we seem to be coming out of the Cheeto closet here, I feel I should disclose that I have not consumed a Cheeto in over five years and plan to remain Cheeto-celibate.

  16. I am here for the herkies and laughs.

    However, I do have an extensive background in science, having taken biology and earth science in high school...(yeah, even I can't finish that sentence with a straight face). I don't know shizzle about science. Except for the natural philosophers phase of it. Not even sure that counts, really.

  17. Ink, did you take Rocks for Jocks to fulfill your science requirement? Be honest!

  18. I considered taking out the "science" word since I NEVER talk about my actual job...but you know, I do own a lab coat.

    Eh, that proves nothing, I own a lab-coat. (I have it for going to Hawkwind gigs in. This is not actually a joke.)

  19. I'm a disillusioned graduate student (as if there's any other kind) in the sciences.

    I'm here for the profanity, the jabs at life in academia, and the coffee. Oh, the cofffffeeeee...

    And I stay because you help to wrench me out of the day to day mediocrity that seems to dominate postgraduate science education.

  20. To All The Graduate Students: One day you'll look back on your graduate student years fondly. Actually, that's complete bullshit. I think about my graduate student years (especially the dissertation writing part) and still think it sucked ass. If I've provided you with a laugh, well, that makes me happy- thanks for commenting.

    Annie, GEW, Ink, JC, JJ, Naptime, Harker, Pander, Sisy: I kinda dig the non-sciency vibe all of you provide me with through your own blogs and comments. Aw geez, I'm feeling all mushy now. Damn.

    Ms.PhD: Idiotic perhaps and definately moronic...qualities I explicitly designed this blog to express.

  21. I'm a postdoc in a big lab at a High-Profile Western State University. I stumbled upon your blog through the excellent blog 'A Gentleman's C.' The two of you are helping me laugh my ass off and keeping me sane in what appears to be an otherwise futile and unsatisfying continuation of the regularly scheduled, ritualistic beatings I received as a graduate student.

    I stay because I dig the Herky.

  22. I've just finished undergrad in the UK in Physics and I'm a soon-to-be PhD student in theoretical physics. I'm male and in my early-20s. I lurk around here as I find your posts greatly amusing - one of very few blogs that often makes me laugh out loud! I think I also stumbled upon your blog from 'A Gentleman's C'.

    P.S. Cheetohs are good, but wotsits dominate the cheesy-snack market in the UK.

  23. three words: flamming hot cheetos.

  24. Former physicist, now engineer. I'm here for the attractive tweeds.

  25. Disgruntledoc in basic biomedical sciences here. I come here for the snark. I love snark, and there simply isn't enough of intelligent snark in my life. Oh yeah, I come here for the whiskey and cheetos too.

  26. Undergrad student here. I'm not sure why I come here, or how I found this site. All I really know is that my boss doesn't like it when I visit this page...

  27. Biosciences postdoc, here for the snark, mostly, but also enjoy the commentary on academic life (something I still aspire to).

  28. Sometimes-lurker, work at a University library, home of the most insecure 'faculty' imaginable. Don't blog, don't like 'em, but love this one! Cannot recall how I found it, does not matter...

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