Sunday, August 2, 2009

Minivan Ice-Cream Man

Since when does the ice-cream man drive around in a damn minivan? (try to say that really fast 5 times…hard huh?) I heard the telltale music clinking its way up my street. I felt the five dollar bill in my pocket. Ice-cream truck. Ice-cream man. White boxy ice-cream van. An ice-cream sandwich! And then I watched a battered blue minivan drive by, ice-cream man music provided by CD. Fuck Me. A shitty ice-cream sticker stuck to the door, clever money making strategy for sure. But I want the ice-cream man of yore.


  1. Warning, serious comment (it's too hot to be funny, sorry:

    I've noticed many more minivans with "Landscaper" signs taped on to their doors, so alas, the damn minivan ice cream van (?) is perhaps part of the same trend?

  2. Word. But then again, a CD sounds preferable to the creepy, tinkly, distorted scary-carnival music cranked out by the old ice cream trucks around here...

  3. Hey AnniEm, it must be a recession trend...and you know Ink, I think your Seuss post was lurking in the back of my head somewhere and came out of hiding because of that creepy tinkly music- weird.

  4. We have the jack-in-the-box music with the ice cream trucks around here. There are 2 pick-up trucks, more like a creamy roving tailgate profitmobiles. It's all around scary stuff, kids aren't parting with their video games to run out the house for Drumsticks. jc

  5. Sounds more like the creepy 9:30 pm pseudo-ice cream man that used to come around our neighborhood when I was a kid and we found out later he was a pedophile.

    Watch out for those sketchy ice cream mans.

  6. My ice cream truck dude of yore drove a legit yellow-stripy van but kept porn in the front seat. Pros and cons....

  7. I am rethinking the whole ice cream man concept (children + creepy music + van?).
