Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blogged Pipes

Strangely, I seem to having nothing to say. This has never happened before. I am sure it will pass. But I have some sort of cloggage in my blog writing pipes. A bloggage we’ll call it. Hhm. I guess I just have to wait it out. So uh yeah, I’ll just go look for that plunger…it’s around here somewhere.


  1. Blog posts are great big dumps and if it doesn't want to come out, you might fall in the crack using the plunger? Geez No, get safety goggles for the extraction. jc

  2. Yeah, you never want to force these things. It can be dangerous. Best to walk away, have some peppermint tea, think about something else for a while, then come back and give us a nice, steaming post.

  3. You'll hve to read more high=fiber websites and stop spending so much time on greasy gossip-mag celebrity sites.

  4. Shit happens. HAHAHAHAHA. and sometimes it doesn't. I'm hoping it starts happening soon for you. :-)

  5. Maybe it means that you're, like, happy or something and have nothing to vent about. So that's a good thing!

    But whenever the muse strikes, we'll be here. Not that we want you to get mad on OUR account or anything, of course. ;)

  6. Please, let me ass you a question: When you feel the urge, do you run to the computer right away, or do you let it brew for a couple of hours? I, myself, don't fight it.

    I've been feeling the same bloggage myself. Nothing to say except, 'fuck off', really, to anyone. Kind of like the mug just off on the right.

  7. Dr. No,

    Your acerbic commentary will return in short order. It always does. Fret you not. Some pharmacy cad will not buy generic acetaminophen or an academic type with an unjustifiably inflated ego will send an email to 1,000 people including you, and you will find yourself galloping in the saddle once again. You are often so inspired by what is seemingly only obvious to the rest of us only once your have shone your spotlight upon it.

    Sorry... no poop jokes here, but I look forward to whatever moment is lucky enough to be your next inspiration.

  8. jeesus christ No, I really hope you have a #2 ready to go soon. That picture becomes more disturbing with every click over here.

    May I recommend Blueberries and Cherries. Lots of them. Hope you're Ok. jc
