Friday, January 23, 2009



  1. Thanks, Acadamnit, for continuing to amuse me with your very witty postings! I love this font one!

    Annie Em

  2. Thanks Annie Em! I just read your post on the inaugural poem- I agree. At first I found her reading so awkardly paced, but once she got about half way into it, I actually started to appreciate and enjoy the rhythm. Oh, for those of you wondering what the heck I'm talking about, go read Annie Em's blog.

  3. I have a violent reaction to Comic Sans in Powerpoints. I immediately subtract 10 points from my esteem for the speaker's science.

  4. I was also wanting to say, I am right with you on Comic Sans. The Education Department in the museum where I work use it for their stuff and somehow it's crept out. Well, not to this machine!

  5. Don't forget programmers use monospaced fonts as well!

  6. haha, just found this blog. Amazing post, I will be following from now on

  7. You KNOW its killing me that I can't respond in a crazy font...stupid blogspot.

  8. Thanks for the much needed humor! Do you ever get the student who you don't recognize suddenly apprearing in your class two weeks in, claiming they just decided to start showing up now, and then they give you a vacant look when you ask WHY?
    I'm sure she loves Courier New. Ha.
    Thank you!

  9. Hilarious. Few can execute a font-based rant well, but you, Dr., are an exceptional font of font rage.

  10. I realise this is cold now, but, I saw this and thought you'd like to know of one more recruit to the army...
